Youth Aquatics

Berkshire South Learn-to-Swim Lessons

Berkshire South Regional Community Center has developed swimming lessons that allow everyone the opportunity to learn in a safe environment at their own pace. Experienced and caring instructors teach Berkshire South Learn-to-Swim classes to help swimmers of all abilities feel comfortable in the water and progress to the next level!

Classes are available for Members and Guests beginning at age 6 months. Registration is required at least 48 hours before the class start date. Class size is deliberately kept small, and we recommend registering early!

Our winter- early spring 2024 6-week session of Youth Group Swim lessons will begin in mid-February, and be finished by the end of March. Dates for all Youth Swim Lessons will be posted in the New Year, and registration will open about a month before lessons begin. Join our aquatics email listserv to stay up-to-date!

Little Swimmers Lessons

Swim With Me Tots

Ages 6 months to 3 years

Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM

October 5 – November 9

*with possible makeup date 11/16

Thursdays, 4:00-4:30PM

October 10-November 14

*with possible makeup date 11/21

For our littlest swimmers! Caregivers and swimmers will be in the water together, guided by their instructor in an introduction to water safety and comfort through song, movement, and water exploration.



Learn to Swim - Preschool Beginner

Ages 3 – 5

Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM

October 5-November 9

**with possible makeup date 11/16

Saturdays, 9:40-10:10AM

October 5- November 9

*with possible makeup date 11/16

Saturdays, 1:45-2:15PM

October 5 – November 14

*with possible makeup date 11/21

Wednesdays, 4:00-4:30PM

October 9 – November 13

*with possible makeup date 11/20

Thursdays, 4:40-5:10PM

October 10-November 14

*with possible makeup date 11/21

For little swimmers ages 3-5 who are not yet swimming on their own without support – come learn about water safety and basic swim skills, and begin the journey toward becoming a safe, independent swimmer. We will focus on submersion, front and back floating, proper kicking, and how to be safe around water – this is a swimmer/instructor only course; parents will watch from the pool deck.  Have questions about this program? Contact:



Learn to Swim - Preschool Intermediate

Ages 3 – 5

Wednesdays, 4:40-5:10

October 9-November 13

*w/ possible makeup date 11/20

For little swimmers ages 3-5 who are comfortable in the water and can do some swimming on their own without support – a continuation of our level 1 class, swimmers will learn about water safety and begin the basics of swimming strokes. Participants should be comfortable fully submerging in the water and proficient at floating independently on front and back. We will focus on front and back gliding, introducing front crawl, and how to be safe around water – this is a swimmer/instructor only course; parents will watch from the pool deck. Have questions about this program? Contact:



NEW! - Grades K & 1 Super Swimmers

Ages 5 & 6

Saturdays, 2:30-3:00PM

October 5 – November 9

w/ possible makeup date 11/16

Grades K & 1 Super Swimmers is a NEW class for 5-6 year old kids who have already taken Pre-K Intermediate. This class is intended as a “bridge” for 5-6 year olds who might not be quite ready to join Youth Level 2 (with kids ages 7+). All participants MUST be able to swim 10 feet in the water without a belt or other flotation assistance, and float on their backs unassisted for 5-10 seconds.



Youth Swim Lessons

Youth Beginner Level 1

Ages 6+

Thursdays, 4:00-4:30PM

October 10-November 14

*w/ possible makeup date 11/21 

Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM

October 5 – November 9

*with possible makeup date 11/16

This is a beginner swimming class for swimmers ages 6 & up with no prerequisites. Swimmers will learn basic water safety skills and gain comfort and confidence in the water. We will focus on submersion, floating, proper kick, and independent movement through the water. Have questions about this program? Contact:



Youth Intermediate Level 2

Ages 6+ 

Saturdays, 9:40 AM-10:10 AM

October 5 – November 9

* w/ possible makeup date 11/16

For swimmers age 6 & up who are confidently swimming on their own, this class will teach the basics of the front and back crawl, explore swimming in deep water, and continue water safety skills. Have questions about this program? Contact:



Youth Advanced Level 3 & 4

Ages 6+

Wednesdays and Fridays, 4:40-5:20PM

July 10 to July 26, 2024

Thursdays, 4:40-5:20PM

October 10 – November 14

*with possible makeup date 11/21

Swimmers in this class should have basic front and back crawl techniques for one pool length and be comfortable swimming in deep water. We will focus on continuous improvement of these strokes, as well as basics of breaststroke and butterfly, lifetime strokes, diving, and continued water safety skills. Have questions about this program? Contact:



Berkshire South Flying Fish Swim Club

September 30 – November 22

Mondays, Wednesdays, &  Fridays, 4-5:30 PM 

w/ possible makeup practice Nov 25

Ages 6 & up

Berkshire South Flying Fish

Our Youth Swim Club is a novice recreational swim team. No prior experience necessary! Swimmers must be able to swim 25+ yards and float or tread for 1 minute in order to join. The Youth Swim Club is geared towards having fun and gaining confidence in a team format while learning about competitive swimming.  

 This program is available by tryout or coach’s invitation only. Previous participants welcome! Any child who has already taken our Youth Learn-To-Swim Lessons Advanced Level 3&4 is eligible to join. This Fall program runs 8 weeks instead of the 6 offered in Spring 2024.

Potential Swim Club members who have questions about their skill level and eligibility should contact Darren Blaney at to set up a swim test. Space is limited so sign up soon!  



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Daxko is Berkshire South's new online registration system

To register, click the red “Register Here” link below the program title. You will be redirected to Daxko’s website, create a login, and complete registration!
For more detailed instructions on how to create a Daxko account, visit the links below.

Current and Past Members: Click here for instructions on how to set up your Daxko profile and connect your existing BSRCC account

Guests: See instructions on how to create a Guest Account.

If you are having difficulties using the Daxko online registration system, email Mark at Please direct any program-related questions to the respective department manager or director.