Meet The Board

Board of Trustees

Erica Jaffe
Board Chair

Robert Montgomery
1st Vice Chair

David Mickenberg
2nd Vice Chair

Tony Scott

Jaclyn Sinay

Margaret Apkin

Christopher Boswell

Mark Gross

Ben Harms

Linda Hensel 

Jessica Long

Steve McAlister

Nick Papachristou

Ethel Patterson

Scott Schuster

Edwin Jaffe
Founding Chairman Emeritus

Robert Norris
Chairman Emeritus

Advisory Board

Lila Berle

Adam Hersch

Kevin Kinne

David Klausmeyer

Joan Kopperl

Barbara Manring

Greg Ward

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Daxko is Berkshire South's new online registration system

To register, click the red “Register Here” link below the program title. You will be redirected to Daxko’s website, create a login, and complete registration!
For more detailed instructions on how to create a Daxko account, visit the links below.

Current and Past Members: Click here for instructions on how to set up your Daxko profile and connect your existing BSRCC account

Guests: See instructions on how to create a Guest Account.

If you are having difficulties using the Daxko online registration system, email Mark at Please direct any program-related questions to the respective department manager or director.